Service fetch

With ‘service fetch’ we refer to the ability to perform HTTP requests during the form logic evaluation.


From the admin, the form designer configures a logic rule with the action fetch-from-service. In the JSON definition of the action, there is a variable parameter which points to a user-defined variable. The corresponding variable contains an attribute service_fetch_configuration which contains a reference to a openforms.variables.models.ServiceFetchConfiguration. This configuration specifies:

  • the zgw_consumers.models.Service that will be used to perform the request

  • the endpoint that will be queried

  • any query parameters

  • any expression to apply to the response

While the form is being filled in by a user, the openforms.submissions.form_logic.evaluate_form_logic() method performs the request specified in the logic rule action if the trigger evaluates to True.

The data in the response from the external service is processed with any expression (jq or JsonLogic) specified in the configuration. The result is set as the value field of the openforms.submissions.models.SubmissionValueVariable referenced in the logic rule action.


Before Open Forms version 2.2.0, the reference to the openforms.variables.models.ServiceFetchConfiguration was stored in the logic rule action and not on the variable itself. Forms exported from older version may still have this reference in the JSON of the logic rule action, but this parameter is ignored from version 2.3.x.