Checklists for developers

Adding features to forms

When you add a new feature to the forms module, make sure that the following features still work:

  1. Importing / exporting forms in the admin

  2. Bulk importing / exporting forms in the admin

  3. Copying a form (both with the admin action from the form list page and with the button from the form detail page)

Also good to check that:

  1. FormVariables behave as expected

  2. Forms with reusable form definitions work as expected

Testing on mobile

To test a form on mobile:

  • In the .env file for the Open Forms backend, add the local network address on which the SDK will run to the CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS (for example: CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=

  • Run the backend server with python src/ runserver

  • In the .env.local of the SDK add the local network address of the backend to the REACT_APP_BASE_API_URL (for example, REACT_APP_BASE_API_URL=