File Uploads

Upload flow

End users can upload files through the File Upload component when they fill out forms.

The following events happen during that process:

  • The user adds a file to the component:

    • A POST request is made to /api/v1/formio/fileupload with the content of the file.

    • If configured, the file is scanned for viruses (more details here). In case a virus is found, the file is not saved and the user receives an error alerting them that a virus was found in the file.

    • An instance of the openforms.submissions.models.TemporaryFileUpload model is created.

    • The endpoint returns the url of the file /api/v1/submissions/files/<uuid>, the file name and size. This information is added to the Formio submission step data.

    • The UUID of the openforms.submissions.models.TemporaryFileUpload is added to the user session.

    • The content of the file is saved to the disk. The file is placed in the private media directory (configured through the PRIVATE_MEDIA_ROOT setting), within the temporary-uploads folder.

  • The user saves the form step:

    • An instance of openforms.submissions.models.SubmissionFileAttachment is created (with a relation to the openforms.submissions.models.TemporaryFileUpload).

    • The file gets copied to the submission-uploads folder (which is also in the private media directory).

  • The user completes the submission:

    • The UUID of the openforms.submissions.models.TemporaryFileUpload is removed from the session.

    • The task cleanup_temporary_files_for deletes all openforms.submissions.models.TemporaryFileUpload associated with the submission that has been completed.


When instances of openforms.submissions.models.TemporaryFileUpload and openforms.submissions.models.SubmissionFileAttachment are deleted, the associated files are removed from the file system (thanks to the openforms.utils.files.DeleteFileFieldFilesMixin mixin).

Periodical clean up

There are Celery beat tasks that periodically clean up files:

  • The task cleanup_unclaimed_temporary_files cleans up any openforms.submissions.models.TemporaryFileUpload which is not related to a openforms.submissions.models.SubmissionFileAttachment. This task runs once a day.

  • The task delete_submissions deletes any successful/incomplete/errored submission that are older than a configured amount of time. This deletes the associated openforms.submissions.models.SubmissionFileAttachment. This task runs once a day.

  • The task make_sensitive_data_anonymous clears any sensitive data from a submission. It also deletes any openforms.submissions.models.SubmissionFileAttachment related to the submission being cleaned. This task runs once a day.