Registration plugins

Open Forms has a plugin system for the registrations module. The registrations module is invoked when a form submission is completed, and is responsible for persisting the form data to the configured backend.

Developing plugins

Every possible backend can be implemented as a plugin, and registered with Open Forms.

Registering the plugin makes it available for content-editors to select as a registration backend for a form.


Plugins are implemented as Django apps / Python packages. The openforms.registrations.contrib.demo plugin acts as an example.

  1. Create the python package in openforms.registrations.contrib.<vendor>

  2. Ensure you have an AppConfig defined in this package, e.g.:

    class MyPlugin(AppConfig):
        name = "openforms.registrations.contrib.<vendor>"
        verbose_name = "My <vendor> plugin"
        def ready(self):
            from . import plugin  # noqa

    It’s important to import the plugin as part of the ready hook of the AppConfig, as this ensures that the plugin is added to the registry.

  3. Add the application to settings.INSTALLED_APPS, this will cause the AppConfig to be loaded.


A plugin is nothing more than a callable, most often a plain Python function. It must adhere to the following function signature:

from typing import Optional

from openforms.submissions.models import Submission

def plugin(submission: Submission, options: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
    # do stuff

The function body is of course up to you to interact with the registration backend.

Each backend can require additional configuration/options that is required for the implementation. This is specified as a rest_framework.serializers.Serializer:

from zgw_consumers.models import Service, APITypes

class PluginOptions(serializers.Serializer):
    zaaktype = serializers.URLField()
    zaken_api = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(

Plugin developers have full control over these serializers.

The serializer is specified during plugin registration, using the @register decorator syntax:

from ...registry import register

@register("unique-key", "Human readable name", configuration_options=PluginOptions)
def plugin(submission: Submission, options: dict) -> dict:

The return value of the callback is saved on the submission as backend result/log. If this is not JSON-serializable, you can specify a serializer for this as well:

from ...registry import register

    "Human readable name",
def plugin(submission: Submission, options: dict) -> dict:

Registration failure

If the registration fails for whatever reason, then your plugin should raise openforms.registrations.exceptions.RegistrationFailed. This will mark the submission with a failed state, making it possible to handle these failures.

The submission handler extracts the traceback, so you should ideally raise this exception from the root exception to include the full traceback:

    ...  # do plugin stuff
except Exception as exc:
    raise RegistrationFailed from exc