Upgrade details to Open Forms 2.5.0 (IN DEVELOPMENT)

We do our best to avoid breaking changes, but at times we cannot guarantee that your configuration will keep working flawlessly. Open Forms 2.5.0 is such a release - and the manual interventions with context are documented here.

Form styling - SDK

We continue our adoption of NL Design System, for which the SDK has received some overhauls. Please read and apply the SDK 2.1 upgrade notes.

Form styling - backend

Additionally, we’ve reworked more components in our “backend” which renders the forms, most notably the page header, footer and general scaffolding. This refactor is backwards compatible and covered by an automatic migration, however some tokens cannot be reliably converted.


We have broken some legacy shorthand values into their individual parts. E.g. a padding value of 10px 20px translates to:

  • block-start padding: 10px

  • block-end padding: 10px

  • inline-start padding: 20px

  • inline-end padding: 20px


You may want to specify a background color for the .utrecht-page selector. Open Forms currently falls back to --of-layout-background-color, but if you have a custom theme this will not be picked up.


These are direct mappings and are handled automatically, but if you have custom stylesheets/themes, you should update these:

  • --of-page-footer-bg becomes --utrecht-page-footer-background-color

  • --of-page-footer-fg becomes --utrecht-page-footer-color

  • --of-page-header-bg becomes --utrecht-page-header-background-color

  • --of-page-header-fg becomes --utrecht-page-header-color

  • --of-page-header-logo-return-url-min-height becomes --of-page-header-logo-return-url-min-block-size

  • --of-page-header-logo-return-url-min-width becomes --of-page-header-logo-return-url-min-inline-size

  • --of-page-header-logo-return-url-mobile-min-height becomes --of-page-header-logo-return-url-mobile-min-block-size

  • --of-page-header-logo-return-url-mobile-min-width becomes --of-page-header-logo-return-url-mobile-min-inline-size