Objects API

The Objects API is a standard for generic storage of objects/records according to your own, process-specific, data description, such as the ProductAanvraag objecttype.

Open Forms supports registering form submisisons in the Objects API. The manual (Dutch) describes how to configure a form for usage with the Objects API.

What does the Open Forms administrator need?

  • An instance of the Objecttypes API with:

    • an API token to access the API from Open Forms

    • one or more objecttypes (legacy configuration requires the API resource URL for these too)

  • An instance of the Objects API (v2.2+) with:

    • (API) access to the above Objecttypes API

    • an API token to access the Objects API from Open Forms

    • write permissions for the relevant Objecttypes - Open Forms creates and updates records.

  • An instance of the Catalogi API (e.g. via Open Zaak) with:

    • API credentials (client ID + secret) to read the available document types ( informatieobjecttypen)

    • API resource URLs of the document type to use for the PDF summary of submitted form data

    • API resource URLs of the document type to use for the CSV of submitted form data (optional)

    • API resource URLs of the document type to use for the user uploaded attachments (optional, works as fallback). The document type can also be selected on each individual file component

  • An instance of the Documenten API (e.g. via Open Zaak) with:

    • (API) access to the above Catalogi API

    • API credentials (client ID + secret) with write access to create documents of the document types mentioned above


To configure the Objects API follow these steps:

  1. In Open Forms, navigate to: Configuration > Services

  2. Create a service for the Objects API (ORC) where the form data will be registered.

    1. Click Service toevoegen.

    2. Fill out the form:

      • Label: Fill in a human readable label, for example: My Objects API

      • Type: Select the type: ORC

      • API root url: The root of this API, for example https://example.com/objecten/api/v2/

      • Authorization type: Select the option: API Key

      • Header key: Fill in Authorization

      • Header value: Fill in Token <tokenValue> where <tokenValue> is replaced by the token provided by the backend service

      • OAS: URL that points to the OAS, same URL as used for API root url with /schema/openapi.yaml added to it for example: https://example.com/objecten/api/v1/schema/openapi.yaml

      • NLX: Support for NLX can be selected here if enabled in the installation

    3. Click Opslaan and repeat to create configuration for the other component.

  3. Create a service for the Objecttypes API (ORC).

    1. Click Service toevoegen.

    2. Fill out the form:

      • Label: Fill in a human readable label, for example: My Objecttypes API

      • Type: Select the type: ORC

      • API root url: The root of this API, for example https://example.com/objecttypen/api/v2/

      • Authorization type: Select the option: API Key

      • Header key: Fill in Authorization

      • Header value: Fill in Token <tokenValue> where <tokenValue> is replaced by the token provided by the backend service

      • OAS: URL that points to the OAS, same URL as used for API root url with /schema/openapi.yaml added to it for example: https://example.com/objecttypen/api/v1/schema/openapi.yaml

      • NLX: Support for NLX can be selected here if enabled in the installation

    3. Click Opslaan and repeat to create configuration for the other component.

  4. Create a service for the Documenten API (DRC) where the PDF summary and form attachment documents will be stored.

    1. Click Service toevoegen.

    2. Fill out the form:

      • Label: For example: Documenten

      • Type: Select the type: DRC

      • API root url: The root of this API, for example https://example.com/documenten/api/v1/

      • Client ID: Fill the value provided by the backend service For example: open-forms

      • Secret: Fill the value provided by the backend service

      • Authorization type: Select the option: ZGW client_id + secret

      • OAS: URL that points to the OAS, same URL as used for API root url with /schema/openapi.yaml added to it for example: https://example.com/documenten/api/v1/schema/openapi.yaml

      • NLX: Support for NLX can be selected here if enabled in the installation

      • User ID: Audit trail user ID, usually same as the Client ID

      • User representation: For example: Open Forms

  5. Create a service for the Catalogi API (ZTC). This is needed to retrieve Informatieobjecttypen.

    1. Click Service toevoegen.

    2. Fill out the form:

      • Label: For example: Catalogi

      • Type: Select the type: ZTC

      • API root url: The root of this API, for example https://example.com/catalogi/api/v1/

      • Client ID: Fill the value provided by the backend service For example: open-forms

      • Secret: Fill the value provided by the backend service

      • Authorization type: Select the option: ZGW client_id + secret

      • OAS: URL that points to the OAS, same URL as used for API root url with /schema/openapi.yaml added to it for example: https://example.com/catalogi/api/v1/schema/openapi.yaml

      • NLX: Support for NLX can be selected here if enabled in the installation

      • User ID: Audit trail user ID, usually same as the Client ID

      • User representation: For example: Open Forms

  6. Navigate to Configuration > Overview. In the Registration plugin group, click on Configuration for the Objects API registratie line.

  7. Enter the following details:

    • Objects API: Select the Objects API (ORC) service created above

    • Objecttypes API: Select the Objecttypes API (ORC) service created above

    • Documenten API: Select the Documenten API (DRC) service created above

    • Catalogi API: Select the Zaaktypecatalogus (ZTC) service created above

    • Submission report informatieobjecttype: Fill in the default URL of the INFORMATIEOBJECTTYPE for the submission report in the Catalogi API For example https://example.com/api/v1/informatieobjecttypen/1/. You an override this on a per-form basis.

    • Upload submission CSV: Indicate whether or not the submission CSV should be uploaded to the Documenten API by default. You an override this on a per-form basis.

    • Submission report CSV informatieobjecttype: Fill in the default URL of the INFORMATIEOBJECTTYPE for the submission report CSV in the Catalogi API For example https://example.com/api/v1/informatieobjecttypen/2/. You an override this on a per-form basis.

    • Attachment informatieobjecttype: Fill in the default URL of the INFORMATIEOBJECTTYPE for the submission attachments in the Catalogi API For example https://example.com/api/v1/informatieobjecttypen/3/. You an override this on a per-form and per-file component basis.

    • Organisatie RSIN: Fill the RSIN to use as “bronorganisatie” in Document uploads. For example: 123456789. You an override this on a per-form basis.

    For the legacy configuration format, additional fields are available:

    • Productaanvraag type: Optionally fill in the default type of ProductAanvraag For example: terugbelnotitie. You an override this on a per-form basis.

    • JSON content template: This is a template for the JSON that will be sent to the Objects API nested in the record.data field.

    • Payment status update JSON template: This is a template for the JSON that will be sent with a PATCH request to the Object API to update the payment status of a submission. This JSON will be merge-patched in the record.data field.

  8. Click Opslaan

The Objects API configuration is now complete and can be selected as registration backend in the form builder. When doing so, the corresponding objecttype and objecttype version will have to be configured.

Changed in version 2.6.0: The objecttype URL and version must be configured at the form level, and can no longer be configured globally.

Recommendations for the Objecttype JSON Schemas

The objecttype definition uses JSON Schema, and this schema is processed by Open Forms.

There are some pitfalls with JSON Schema that can lead to unexpected results, so we have some guidelines for schema authors:

  • Preferably, define the $schema property pointing to the version of the specification you are using. If not specified, Open Forms will assume the latest specification (2020-12) applies, which may not be compatible.

  • Do not omit the type property for the top-level object. In practice, this should probably always be set to the value "object". If unspecified, technically any data type is allowed which is probably not what you intended.

  • Include additionalProperties: false for objects - the default is that any unspecified, additional properties are allowed and those cannot be input-validated.

  • Using references ($ref: #/foo) is supported, but they should not (yet) point to an external entity (resolving this will likely be added in the future in a way that does not create security issues).


Open Forms requires Objects API v2.2 or newer.

Objects API

Test status


Manually verified


Manually verified, integration tests in CI

Changed in version 2.6.0: Objects API versions older than 2.2.0 are no longer officially supported. You need at least version 2.2.0.