Rendering in development

During development, you can visualize how some non-web target renders of submission data look like through the use of some development-only views.

For the low level renderer API, see Core: submission rendering. Typically the development views make use of this low-level renderer API.

All the relevant URL routes are listed in openforms.urls behind the settings.DEBUG setting.


The e-mail debug views allow you to (roughly) visualize the styling of the e-mails that are sent out, both in HTML or plain text mode.

There are two types of e-mails:

  • confirmation e-mail sent to the person filling out the form

  • registration e-mail sent as part of the backend registration process

You can access these at http://localhost:8000/dev/email/confirmation/:submission_id and http://localhost:8000/dev/email/registration/:submission_id respectively.

Both views support a query string parameter ?mode=text to toggle between plain text or HTML templates. HTML is the default.

Summary PDF

The summary PDF is rendered using a HTML-to-PDF library, so most of the styling can be developed and tweaked using the browser. Page-specific styling cannot be tested this way though, for that it’s better to use the render_confirmation_pdf management command.

You can access the PDF preview at http://localhost:8000/dev/submissions/:id/pdf.