BRK - Zakelijk gerechtigd

The special AddressNL component has a specific validator available, that can check if the currently logged in user is the business owner of the filled-in property.


  1. Obtain a BRK API key.

  2. In Open Forms, navigate to: Configuration > Services.

  3. Click Add service and fill in the following details:

    • Label: Fill in a human readable label, for example: Basisregistratie Kadaster (BRK)

    • Type: ORC (Overige).

    • API root URL: The API URL provided by KvK but typically:

    • Authorization type: API key.

    • Header key: X-Api-Key.

    • Header value: The KvK API key obtained in step 1.

  4. Click Save

  5. Navigate to Configuration > Configuration overview. In the Validator plugins group, click on Configuration for the Validation plugin config: BRK - Zakelijk gerechtigd line.

  6. Select for the BRK API, the Basisregistratie Kadaster (BRK) option, that we just created in step 3.

  7. Click Save

  8. When building a form, add an AddressNL component from the Special group.

  9. In the Validation tab, select BRK - Zakelijk gerechtigd.


This validation plugin is only available if an authentication plugin that provides a BSN is being used.



Supported versions

