Core: integration

Open Forms uses under the hood to build and render forms, and then adds its own layers on top of that, such as:

  • implementing multi-step forms where every step is a definition

  • evaluating backend logic using data from earlier steps

  • dynamically adapting definitions as needed

This means that we process the datastructures in the backend, using Python. All the code for this is organized in the openforms.formio package.

Changed in version 2.1.0: openforms.custom_field_types was refactored into the openforms.formio package, and all of the separate registries (formatters, normalizers…) were merged into a single compoment registry.

Supported features

Formatting values for display

Value formatting is done for displaying form submission data summaries, rendering confirmation PDFs and emails… It is aware if it’s in a HTML context or not. It is heavily used in the renderers.

Whenever a component plugin is registered, the openforms.formio.registry.BasePlugin.formatter class attribute must be specified.

openforms.formio.service.format_value(component: openforms.formio.typing.Component, value: Any, as_html: bool = False)

Format a submitted value in a way that is most appropriate for the component type.

Normalizing input data

Data for a component can be sourced from external systems that employ different formatting rules compared to what expects. Normalizing this data helps to be able to make proper comparisons at different stages in the submission life-cycle.

You can opt-in to this by configuring openforms.formio.registry.BasePlugin.normalizer.

openforms.formio.service.normalize_value_for_component(component: openforms.formio.typing.Component, value: Any) Any

Given a value (actual or default value) and the component, apply the component- specific normalization.

Dynamically modifying component configuration

Certain component types require on-the-fly configuration rewriting, such as applying global configuration options that may change independently from when the form is actually being designed.

Dynamic rewriting is enabled by implementing openforms.formio.registry.BasePlugin.mutate_config_dynamically(). It receives the current openforms.submissions.models.Submission instance and a mapping of all the variable names and values at the time.

openforms.formio.service.get_dynamic_configuration(config_wrapper: openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper, request: rest_framework.request.Request, submission: openforms.submissions.models.submission.Submission, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper

Given a static Formio configuration, apply the hooks to dynamically transform this.

The configuration is modified in the context of the provided submission parameter.

For an example of a custom field type, see openforms.formio.components.custom.Date.

Finally, the resulting resolved component definitions are evaluated with the template engine where variable values are evaluated for compoment labels, descriptions… and configuration based on the HTTP request is performed (see openforms.formmio.service.rewrite_formio_components_for_request()).


Public API - openforms.formio.service

Expose the public openforms.formio Python API.

The service module exposes the functions/utilities that may be used by other Django apps/packages:

  • Try to keep this module stable and avoid breaking changes - extensions may rely on this!

  • Keep it small! The actual implementation should be done in specialized subpackages or submodules and only their ‘public’ API should be imported and used.

openforms.formio.service.format_value(component: openforms.formio.typing.Component, value: Any, as_html: bool = False)

Format a submitted value in a way that is most appropriate for the component type.

openforms.formio.service.get_dynamic_configuration(config_wrapper: openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper, request: rest_framework.request.Request, submission: openforms.submissions.models.submission.Submission, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper

Given a static Formio configuration, apply the hooks to dynamically transform this.

The configuration is modified in the context of the provided submission parameter.

openforms.formio.service.inject_variables(configuration: openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper, values: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], translate: typing.Callable[[str], str] = <class 'str'>) None

Inject the variable values into the Formio configuration.

Takes a Formio configuration and fully resolved variable state (mapping of variable name to its value as a Python object). The configuration is iterated over and every component is checked for properties that can be templated. Note that the configuration is mutated in the process!

  • configuration – A dictionary containing the static Formio configuration (from the form designer)

  • values – A mapping of variable key to its value (Python native objects)


None - this function mutates the datastructures in place


Support getting non-string based configuration from variables, such as validate.required etc.

openforms.formio.service.normalize_value_for_component(component: openforms.formio.typing.Component, value: Any) Any

Given a value (actual or default value) and the component, apply the component- specific normalization.

openforms.formio.service.rewrite_formio_components_for_request(configuration_wrapper: openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper, request: rest_framework.request.Request) openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper

Loop over the formio configuration and inject request-specific configuration.

class openforms.formio.registry.BasePlugin(identifier: str)

Base class for Formio component plugins.

formatter: type[openforms.formio.registry.FormatterProtocol]

Specify the callable to use for formatting.

Formatter (class) implementation, used by openforms.formio.registry.ComponentRegistry.format().

normalizer: None | openforms.formio.registry.NormalizerProtocol = None

Specify the normalizer callable to use for value normalization.

rewrite_for_request: None | openforms.formio.registry.RewriterForRequestProtocol = None

Callback to invoke to rewrite plugin configuration for a given HTTP request.


Using our usual extension pattern you can register your own types.

Extensions should inherit from openforms.formio.registry.BasePlugin or implement the same protocol(s) and be registered with their type:

from openforms.formio.formatters.formio import DefaultFormatter
from openforms.formio.registry import BasePlugin

class MyComponent(BasePlugin):
    formatter = DefaultFormatter

You can find some examples in openforms.formio.components.custom.

Private API

Module: openforms.formio.dynamic_config

Implement component-specific dynamic configuration based on (submission) state.

openforms.formio.dynamic_config.rewrite_formio_components(configuration_wrapper: openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper, submission: openforms.submissions.models.submission.Submission, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper

Loop over the formio configuration and mutate components in place.

  • configuration_wrapper – Container object holding the Formio form configuration to be updated (if applicable). The rewriting loops over all components one-by-one and applies the changes.

  • submission – The submission instance for which we are rewriting the configurations. This allows you to inspect state and use convenience methods that may not be available in the variables data.

  • data – key-value mapping of variable name to variable value. If a submission context is available, the variables of the submission are included here.

openforms.formio.dynamic_config.rewrite_formio_components_for_request(configuration_wrapper: openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper, request: rest_framework.request.Request) openforms.formio.datastructures.FormioConfigurationWrapper

Loop over the formio configuration and inject request-specific configuration.

Module: openforms.formio.formatters

Module: openforms.formio.rendering

Implement the bindings with openforms.submissions.rendering.Renderer.

Formio is currently the engine powering the form definitions/configurations which brings along some implementation details. The specifics of rendering Formio configurations together with the data of a submission are contained in this subpackage.

The module openforms.submissions.rendering.nodes contains the (base) node classes with their public API. For specific Formio component types, you can register a more specific subclass using the registry. The vanilla Formio components requiring special attention are implemented in openforms.submissions.rendering.default.